Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are the basic movements that involve the trunk, legs, arms, hands, and feet, serving as the foundation for more complex movement patterns. These skills are typically categorised into three main groups: locomotor skills, body control skills, and object control skills.
Locomotor Skills | Body Control Skills | Object Control Skills |
- Walking - Running - Jumping - Hopping - Skipping - Leaping - Crawling - Climbing - Dodging | - Balancing on 1 foot - Walking along a line - Rolling - Twisting - Turning - Landing - Stopping - Bending - Stretching | - Throwing - Catching - Striking - Kicking - Dribbling |
The proper development of these skills in childhood is vital for a child’s physical, cognitive, and social development. It lays the foundation for an active lifestyle and is linked to higher physical activity levels in later years. Research indicates that children should master all fundamental movement skills by the age of 8, but recent studies reveal that a significant number of Irish children have not achieved this milestone by the age of 10.
The Moving Well Being Well project (2020) assessed the proficiency of several fundamental movement skills among over 2,000 Irish primary school students. The findings showed a lack of proficiency across all components, with only 60% of students achieving mastery in balance and just over half mastering locomotor and object control skills. There were also notable gender differences, with boys excelling in object control skills like throwing and catching, while girls performed better in body control skills such as balance and skipping. These disparities are attributed to the different sports and activities typically undertaken by boys and girls, with girls more likely to engage in gymnastics and dance, and boys in sports like rugby and football.
Failure to develop these fundamental movement skills can have long-term physical and mental health implications. Children who lack confidence in their movements are less likely to engage in physical activity, potentially leading to isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Therefore, it is critical to help children acquire these skills at an early age to equip them for an active lifestyle throughout their lives.
To help children master fundamental movement skills, they need ample opportunities to move their bodies. Here are some simple and engaging exercises that can be incorporated into daily activities.
Fundamental Movement Skill | Exercise |
Running | - Backwards and forwards - Running on the spot, focusing on arm and leg movement - Along different paths - circle, zig zags etc. - At different speeds - try fast and slow music - On different surfaces - grass, gravel, sand - Sprints - Animal runs - run like a cheetah, an elephant, a mouse - Obstacle course |
Skipping | - Step hop practice - Skipping as tall and as small as you can - Skipping a fast and as slow as you can - How many skips does it take to get from “here” to “there” - Without touching the cracks on the ground |
Jumping | - Forwards, backwards and side to side - Frog jumps - Lily pad jumps - Continuous standing broad jumps - Jump with overhead clap - Hurdle jumps - Jumps from a safe height e.g a bench, the bottom step - Hopscotch - Jumping in puddles |
Balancing | - Stand on one leg (left and right) - Walk along balance beam/ narrow line - Walk with a beanbag on top of their head - Standing on one leg, pick something up off the floor - Balancing with movement - squats, toe raises, side leg lifts etc. - Balance on one leg with eyes closed - Partner balance - create shapes while holding hands with your partner |
Rolling | - Egg rolls - hold knees to chest and tuck chin to chest and start rolling backwards and forwards or side to side - Pencil rolls - moving sideways and on the spot - Forward rolls |
Throwing | - Roll a ball along the floor, run ahead and pick it up - Hold a ball in 2 hands, drop it and catch it with 2 hands - Underhand toss to a partner or bucket - Overhand throw to a partner or bucket - Throwing for distance - Throwing for accuracy |
Catching | - Self toss and catch - with both hands then one hand - Partner toss and catch - on the spot and while walking/running - Bounce a catch - Balloon catch - Catch different size balls |
By focusing on the development of fundamental movement skills, parents and educators can help children build a strong foundation for physical activity, ensuring they lead healthier, more active lives.